Friday, January 13, 2012

Are Violent Toys and Games Affecting Children's Behavior?

Do you have a child who is a frequent gamer? Do you buy them violent video games, and do you notice any differences in their behavior? If this is the case, there are some things that you should be aware of before buying your child a violent-based toy, such as a gun, for their next birthday or for the holidays. According to Web MD Magazine, writer Lisa Zamosky stated within her article, "About 60% to 80% of boys play with aggressive toys at home, including guns." Most parents don't think its a good idea to buy children violent toys; yet, their child may still display aggressive behavior. That being said, there is always the debate that exists, expressing the idea of whether or not aggressive behavior is innate or learned. For those who believe that aggression is learned, perhaps children are exposed to it through different sources of media, as well as watching other people display their own aggression. There is no scientific evidence that there is a link between aggressive behavior and violent toys, even though most people think that there is one. Whether or not you believe that violent toys are good or bad, its better to not introduce them to your children just in case.