We all know that sleep is important because it allows us to recharge
and store information in our minds about the day’s events. Sleep is
beneficial for many other reasons, such as boosting the body’s immune system,
but cutting hours can result in serious problems. Did you know that lack of
sleep not only causes crankiness and anxiety but obesity and a higher body mass
index as well in kids? In one study following children ages 3 to 7, it was found that every
extra hour of sleep a child had “reduced the likelihood of a child being overweight
at age 7 by 61%”. Not catching enough zzz’s can also increase suicidal
tendencies and depression in adolescents. It can also have a negative effect on academic
performance in school.
Maintaining sleep routines for children may be tough at
first, but it has to be made into a habit. Some good ways to create healthier
sleeping patterns are to have consistent times for sleeping and waking up and not
playing video games, watching TV, or using the computer an hour before bedtime, regardless of whether the child is in preschool or high school. Good sleep hygiene
will create a healthy routine where children will get the appropriate amount of
sleep they need as well as reaping the benefits of a good night’s rest.
Bhargava, H. (2012).
Sleep Tight. Is your kids’ bedtime routine a constant struggle? Put the
nightly pushback to rest. WebMD,
June, 27
Written by: Salma Khan
Image provided by Yahoo Images
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