Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Is There Really Still Sexism in the Workplace?

According to a study by Christian Thoroughgood, there is. His new study suggests that male leaders are judged more harshly in the workplace by their employees than female ones. Nobody is perfect, and even our bosses make mistakes, but they have negative consequences in the eyes of their employees. When a boss makes a mistake, workers see them as less competent and less desirable to work for. Thoroughgood studied the reactions of subordinates when working for a male or a female leader in a “masculine” job like construction as well as when working for a male or a female leader in a “women’s” job like nursing when they made a mistake. They also tested the subordinates’ reactions when their boss made a task error or a relationship error. He found that employees were upset when either a man or a woman leader made any mistake in either job. Though, male leaders were evaluated as less competent, qualified, and desirable to work for when they made a mistake in the construction job than female leaders in the same job. This shows that employees still think that men should be expected to perform at a superior level in a masculine settings while women are expected to fail in those settings.

Written by Lisa Drake

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