Monday, November 26, 2012

ADHD Patients On Medication Commit Fewer Crimes

A new study conducted at the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden shows a sharp decline in criminal behavior in people with ADHD while they were being medicated. The studied included over 25,000 individuals over a four-year time period. The study was able to demonstrates links between ADHD medication and a reduced risk of criminality. Not only were individuals compared in groups of medicated versus non-medicated, but also individuals were compared to their own period of medication versus non-medication showing a delcine in incidences of criminal behavior. The study of each individuals personal case shows that the risk reduction is not due to differences between participants on medication and those not. A couple other conclusions that were drawn from this study consisted of no difference between females and males and that the findings are able to be applied to both petty crimes and more serious and violent crimes. Although this study has given many great findings and advances for those studying ADHD, researchers also warn that side effects, benefits and an indvidual patient's life should be taken  into consideration before any medication is prescribed to them. With studies showing roughly 30 to 40 percent of long-serving criminals having ADHD, their chances of recidivism if reduced by 30 percent, could allow for a decrease in total crime numbers in many societies.

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