Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Choosing the Right Career Path Based on Your Goals

By: Sierra Shumate

Typically, in the workplace, there are two main types of people. There are the optimists--those who focus on all the great things that will happen in order for them to succeed, who are willing to take risks for advancement, and who may experience benefits as well as downsides. They tend to "play to win." On the other hand, there are workers who are marked as "pessimists," who do their work perfectly, and strive to avoid mistakes. They do not see a risk not taken as a failure to advance, but more as a responsibility upheld.
These two types of people are promotional and prevention focused people (respectively,) and work towards goals in different types of ways. The funny part is, they are both striving to achieve the same thing, but go about it in diverse routes.
These two types of focuses are driven very differently. For example, a man named Bob who is more of a pessimistic and responsible type, may not be driven to do things if he is constantly given praise by his boss about how great of a job has been done. Instead, prevention focused people tend to be more driven by criticism. If the possibility of failure is there, prevention focused people strive to be more conservative, not taking chances, and thus produce extremely careful and articulate work. They would much more prefer to say "no" to a possible opportunity, than end up failing or not achieving what they expected. They play to "not lose," rather than to "win." 
Promotionally focused people base things off of opportunity. What is scary to them is a missed road taken, an opportunity unseized--essentially, promotionally based people have a fear of missing out on chances, because these chances are what help them to advance. Although these types of people may be more prone to error, and less likely to think things through, they still focus on all the great things that will happen to them when they succeed. They are benefit focused, and pursue gains. They would rather say "yes" to an opportunity and have it fail, then not say anything at all and never know what they were missing. Thus, promotionally focused people thrive off of praise and positivity. In the workplace, the more excited they are about something and the more positive comments they receive, the more they may advance. Criticism hinders promotionally based people because it makes them feel cornered, while they enjoy endless opportunity. 
It is important to remember what type of person you are when choosing a career path. Depending on what kind of job you have in the future, whether it be a lawyer, doctor, entrepreneur, or psychologist, it is crucial to think about what kinds of opportunities and what style of goal achievement is out there. In terms of careers, "do what you love" is typical advice--however, who can really predict what a job will actually be like prior to the first day? The best recommendation out there is to do something that will help you to achieve your goals, dependent on how you achieve your goals.  

Source: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-science-success/201303/are-you-promotion-or-prevention-focused

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