Friday, August 23, 2013

Lifestyle and Environment Changes May Help Treat Insomnia

When coping with insomnia the most effective way to improve the length and quality of sleep is to make committed environmental changes in order to see long lasting effects. Insomnia is brought on by a variety of factors found in the individuals daily life and routine. The first step to self-treatment is finding what it is in the individuals life that may be causing lack of sleep. Environmental factors that may cause insomnia include loud noises, varied sleeping schedules, naps, consuming caffeine, smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, bright lights, arguments shortly before bed, strenuous work shortly before bed, and sleeping next to or near someone who snores or is restless. There are different ways to tackle these issues, but most if not all can be dealt with and solved independently if the individual is committed to making the appropriate changes. 

Suggestions for inducing sleep and improving your sleep environment include:
  1. Reduce surrounding noise by isolating yourself or using earplugs
  2. Reduce any visible light with dark curtains, eye masks, etc.
  3. Exercise regularly, but not before bed
  4. Take a warm bath before bed
  5. Drink warm milk before bed
  6. Begin a relaxing activity if insomnia continues for more than 20 minutes, do not lie in bed
  7. Perform relaxation or tension release exercises
  8. Return to bed only when you feel tired
  9. Gradually set your sleeping pattern so you are falling asleep and waking up at the same time each day
  10. If insomnia persists, contact your local mental health specialist
By Kellie McClain

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