by Kristi Caporoso
Studies are beginning to reveal an association between high caffeine and fat intake and lack of success in IVF treatments. Although the studies are in their embryonic stages, a definite negative impact has been shown from these two substances. Doctors in Denmark are saying that drinking more than five cups of coffee a day can decrease your success rate by 50% (WebMD). Also, increased intake of both saturated and polyunsaturated fat showed decreased likelihood of IVF working. On the other hand, increased intake of monounsaturated fat increased the chances of having a live birth.
While these studies are still new and the relationships between diet and IVF success are tenuous, it is still recommended to only have one or two cups of coffee a day while undergoing treatment. Also, monitor what types of fat you have in your diet. At this time it is suggested to stick to the normal guidelines while undergoing IVF. "The Dietary Guidelines suggest keeping saturated fat intake low and total fat intake moderate" (WebMD). This in addition to watching your caffeine intake and anything else your doctor recommends are the best way to go for success in IVF.
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