Monday, June 3, 2013

Miami Heat's 'Big Three' Struggling Under Excess Pressure

by Kristi Caporoso

It is without a doubt that talent is abundant among the Miami Heat, especially within the Big Three: LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh. However, how is talent effected when immense pressure is a major factor? This is an important question for LeBron James, who's recently been left to pick up the slack for Wade and Bosh. After their loss in game 6 of the playoffs, the Heat's future this season is hanging in the balance. Swinging a win and staying in the game may be difficult for the Heat, especially with all the pressure on James. With Wade and Bosh missing the shots they need to hit and leaving James to fight by himself, the team is struggling.
Why is this situation so risky? If LeBron James is the great player he has always been, why can't he play at his best and help carry his team through? While he may still have the talent, the excess pressure is a big risk factor for James' performance, especially since he is fully aware of the situation he is in. This pressure may counter James' talent and impair his playing skills. 
However, he isn't enabling his fellow Big Three members. He's instead acknowledging the situation and acting a postive "cheerleader" for Bosh and Wade. Perhaps Jame's postive attitude will help to counter the immense pressure on him and his team, and improve the circumstances they are in. The question then remains whether or not a postive attitude can be enough to enable a player's talent when he is up against the pressure of carrying his team. Besides the pressure being on LeBron as the best player, it is also on the entire Miami Heat. With game 7 approaching, the team needs to make a transformation to stay in this season's playoffs and maintain their place in the top great teams of the NBA. Time will tell if pressure is too much of a negative impact on talent for these players.

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