Thursday, September 5, 2013

Why Do Men Love Fantasy Football So Much?


By Pamela O'Connor

It’s that time of year again, football season. Of course it’s fun to gather around the television and get together with friends, but when does the game turn into an obsession? Probably when men gamble large amounts of money for the fantasy draft, one that really won’t matter in the long run. Why is it so much fun to them? Some obvious reasons could be that gambling is an addiction, and the more they win the more they want to win. If they lose, they want to keep trying until they win. Money is important to just about everyone and this is just another chance to obtain it.
Another reason men love fantasy football is because of the social interaction. Men, like everyone else, need to get away from it all sometimes. Women may go to the spa or out with friends, so men have football. Reconnecting with old friends or even making new ones is a big reward during this game. It is a chance to get out of the house, laugh, trash talk with friends, and relax. It is an escape from their hectic daily lives of working and the everyday stress we all have. This source of entertainment helps men bond while making football even more fun.
Competition is, of course, a huge part of fantasy football. As humans, we are naturally competitive. When we add sports and money into the situation, we become even more competitive. This will make men want to be better than all the rest involved in the draft, and drive them to keep playing and keep coming back throughout the season.
There are many reasons for playing fantasy football, and although gambling can become an issue, it seems that playing this game can be healthy in many ways. Women may not understand the love for this and why it seems like such an important part of male bonding, but motivation for this game will never cease, and the fantasy will continue to live on. 

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